
Free VBA macros for Microsoft® Outlook®. Get more than 100 ready-to-use scripts, or use the samples as a template for your own programming.

Reporter Reporter
VBOffice Reporter is an easy to use tool for data analysis and reporting in Outlook. A single click, for instance, allows you to see the number of hours planned for meetings the next month.

12 sample(s) found for Tasks

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Send Emails Automatically

See how to send emails automatically and regularly at certain intervals.

Last modified: 2006/01/19

Reactivate Task Reminders

This macro turns reminders of task items on.

Last modified: 2007/02/26

Execute Code When a Task is Completed

Often certain actions should take place as soon as one task is done. This sample demonstrates the general approach.

Last modified: 2007/04/13

Bulk Edit the Priority for Multiple Task Items

In this sample we change the priority for multiple task items at once.

Last modified: 2008/01/15

Assign a Form to an Item

Tell Outlook to use your custom form instead of the default form to display an item.

Last modified: 2009/09/23

Directly Enter a Category Name

Before Outlook 2007, you could directly add a category to an item without saving it to the master category list. For Outlook 2007 and up this macro gives you that feature back.

Last modified: 2009/12/15

Bulk Edit the Due Date for Multiple Task Items

In this sample we move the due date for several task items at one go.

Last modified: 2013/07/23

Link a Contact Item to Other Items

This sample explains the Links property, which is used to join any item (task item, contact item, etc.) with other items.

Last modified: 2014/02/26

Create Automatically Follow-Up Tasks

This simple pattern demonstrates how to automatically create a new task as soon as the previous one is flagged as complete.

Last modified: 2016/11/26

Open Selected Items

This is a macro to open all selected items.

Last modified: 2017/01/31

Flag an Email for Follow-up

This demonstrates how to flag emails for follow-up.

Last modified: 2018/05/07

Add date at the cursor position

This macro is useful if you want to add a new note, for instance, to a contact or task.

Last modified: 2019/06/13

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